accueil > Balades > Evénements > La RDD Vol.2, 2006 > Organisation
  • What is the RiDe on the Dunes V2?
    - It is an 8 days 400Km skate raid in France. It will go along the Atlantic coast from Rochefort to Spain.
  • How does it work?
    - Your bags are carried by a truck. You will skate in a group of less than 15 people with a guide. We meet and go back to Bordeaux. The Raid itself starts at near Rochefort and finishes in spain. If you come by car, it will be possible to park it.
  • Who is it for?
    - It is for skaters who can roll 70km in a day, who like to skate in groups and to share good time. Never the less, 400Km in 7 days is challenging.
  • What is the daily distance?
    - Every days, we will skate 50 to 70 kilometers.
  • Why along the Atlantic coast?
    - Because we believe it is the best part of France for a skate raid. There is a lot of bicycle path, good food traditions (don’t forget we are epicurian), the landscape is beautyful and the Altlantic ocean always nearby (For those who like diving in the waves).
  • Where am I going to sleep?
    - You are going to sleep in a tent in a campsite. Everybody brings his tent . Most of the time a the hot shower is included.
  • How is the event organised
    - « La nappe à carreaux » association has been specially set up for this event.It is a "association loi 1901 a but non lucratif et gestion désintéressé"e, which mean it cannot make profit . Some « Mardi c’est roller » skaters and their friends have volunteered to organize this event. We are not professionals, we are amateurs.
  • How many people can participate?
    - There will be a maximum of 40 skaters. We are aware of our organisation ’s limits and this size seems reasonable to us. Also, 40 people is not too big, so everybody can get to know each other and not too small so we can do level groups to allow everybody to go at their own rhythm.
  • What if it goes too fast?
    - If you are really to slow you will be considered as a "Boulet"(drag) , so start to train to go faster right now ! But don’t worry, we act as a group, we won’t let any body down. There will be several groups with several speeds, you will find one adapted to you.
  • What are the participation conditions?
    - Being over 18. To sign the discharge you will receive when you arrive. To pay your participation. To wear a helmet when you are skating. To check that your insurance covers skating accidents.
  • Do I need Helmet and protections? Wearing helmet and whrist protections is mandatory. All other protections are strongly recommended.
  • What is included in the price?
    - The campsite fees, the travel from and back to the start location, the ferries, the meals, your bags carriage. The drinks are not included (except water !).
  • What about eating?
    - We will have breakfast and dinner together. For lunch, you will have a lunch bag, so you can picnic with your group. If you a vegetarian or have specific dietary requirements for your meals, tell us when you register.
  • How do I register?
    - First you register on the forum. Then you will be added to the mailing list, so You will be notifed about the registration procedure when it starts.
  • Will there be a waitinglist?
    - Of course, we expect to be submerged by the requests and to refuse people !!! So has soon as the registration starts, be quick about it !!!
  • How can I make my payment?
    - You will be able to use your creditcard with paypal or do an international moneytransfer.
  • Can I join the tour for less than 8 days?
    - For organisation reasons, we cannot handle particular demands, it would be too much work.
  • Do I pay less if I sleep or eat somewhere else?
    - Well, we can’t calculate a special price for each person. So there is only one price whatever you do. But I am sure you will enjoy being with the group sharing meals and a nice time ...
  • What will be expected from me?
    - To be a part of the group. Participate in your own way, with your happiness, by being a volunteer to help, ...
  • Will it be possible to cancel?
    - Has we are amateurs, we won’t accept cancelation. But it will be possible to transfer your registration to someone else.

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